This wiki is still a major work in progress, and a lot is being worked on. Please be patient. —Newmaker
Main Page
It's intended to be a definitive authority on Petscop, without the shitposts, theories, or lack of quality that the other resources have. The wiki-based format should also make linking resources and tying things together easier, but also makes it a pain to update.
Even moreso when you're doing it yourself!
See Category:Petscop to start browsing. Most things are categorized in here.
- Petscop itself.
- The text and features of the pause menu.
- And the often-hidden loading screens.
- Demo mode, too, when that link stops being red.
- The YouTube channel, which has some meta elements to it.
- Including the episodes that have been documented.
- All the locations. Even Care, the Newmaker Plane, and so on (when those are written)
- Characters and pets.
- And more...
Mostly just useful for me: