Loading screens
When transitioning between certain areas, Petscop will display an intermediate loading screen.
While in the Gift Plane, the screens displayed are often bright and clear, exploring the Newmaker Plane tends to result in dark images that are very difficult to see.
Gift Plane
Loading screens displayed in the Gift Plane section.
Gift Plane / New File
Pink "Loading!" text on a purple platform, with a Gift Plane gift box behind it.
Shown when entering the Gift Plane, for example after creating a new save file.
- Petscop 1, 0:49, after starting a game
Even Care
Pink "Loading" text on a checkerboard background, with a wavy filter applied.
Shown when entering Even Care.
- Petscop 1, 1:46, when entering Even Care from the Gift Plane
- Petscop 9, 10:09, when entering through the Even Care Back Door
Even Care (Demo)
Gray "Loading" text seen through the Gift Plane entry gates.
Shown when the Demo mode activates and starts inside Even Care.
Newmaker Plane
Loading screens displayed in the "dark world".
Quitter's Face
A very dark, partial image of the Quitter's Room character's face.
This is shown when entering the "upper layer" of the Newmaker Plane, where the cellar doors and Windmill are.
- Petscop 1, 7:22, when entering the Newmaker Plane, by leaving Even Care after the secret code
Empty Newmaker Plane
What appears to just be a picture of the Newmaker Plane.
Shown at various times along with the above image.
- Petscop 2, 11:24, when leaving the Under the Newmaker Plane for the Windmill area
- Petscop 6, 4:21
- Petscop 9, 3:00, after a jump cut from Mike's Grave
Shadow Monster Man Path
Original | Brightened |
A very dark descending path, with a door forward and a door to the right; the right door is emitting a very faint red light. Likely a reference to the Shadow Monster Man "glitch" in the Flower Shack entrance in the Mike's Grave area.
- Petscop 2, 4:17, when entering Mike's Grave from Under the Newmaker Plane
Marvin Mode
A very thick, black circle, on a bright pink background, somewhat resembling the bottom of a PlayStation™ disc.
Quitter's Room
A very dark picture of the Quitter's Room furniture, seen from above the left (correct) half of the room. Interestingly, the Amber's Room icon cube from Petscop 10 does not appear to be present.
- Petscop 2, 1:02, when entering Under the Newmaker Plane from the Newmaker Plane, after leaving Even Care
- Petscop 8, 2:34, when entering the Newmaker Plane from Under the Newmaker Plane and chasing Marvin
Cone Piece
A very large picture of the blue cone piece, bright enough to be somewhat visible without squinting.
- Petscop 9, 7:17, when leaving "her" room in the Child Library for the Gray Party Room
- Petscop 10, 1:20, when loading a saved game that starts in the Warp Room in the Gray Party Room