This wiki is still a major work in progress, and a lot is being worked on. Please be patient. —Newmaker
Main Page
This wiki is intended to be an authority on Petscop, with things neatly organized, linked together, and described, without having to swim though shitposts, theories, or a total lack of quality.
The wiki-based format should also make linking resources and tying things together easier, but also makes it a huge pain to update. Even moreso when you're doing it yourself!
Recent updates
April 21, 2019
Happy Easter.
- The Petscop channel uploaded 5 new videos.
- The channel icon changed to an Easter egg, and then back to the original shot of the main character standing on a road.
- There is much to do.
November 24, 2018
- More locations done
- Mostly UtNP stuff
November 22, 2018
- Transcriptions:
- Petscop 8 finished
- Petscop 14 started
- New pages:
Not appearing on this wiki (yet)
Stuff under Category:To do, as well as...
- Most episode transcriptions. Most of them have a placeholder transcription from Reddit
- Locations, of which there are many
- Special:WantedPages will make a list of these as episode transcriptions are done, at least.
- Pet pages for Care A and Care NLM
- Capturing remaining meta-bits
- Loading screens, Pause menu messages...
- The YouTube channel itself
- Pages for what little we know about the Characters
- The various Demo mode segments
- Tracking
- etc, etc, etc... what did I get myself into.